Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm participating in the Market Bag Pin-along on Pinterest.

Here's the link and hopefully it works: but if not just type it in.

I don't have Cotton-ish yarn to use for this because I shopped from my stash, but want to get some to try. I think it will be great to work with. Check out Vickie Howell's website for the pattern and info on how to join in.

Have fun!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hello! Here I am

I set this blog up a long time ago. Life got crazy and I completely forgot I had done it. I am a self-taught crocheter and knitter and I love to read. I'm hopefully going to post about my adventures in combining crochet and knitting. Some of the cast-ons for knitting are just crazy and I can crochet a foundation faster than I can cast-on knitting. I've got a cowl going that I will post photos of later. I've crocheted the cast-on edge and I'll crochet the cast-off edge when I get done.